Ever wondered how to build a website in Kenya? Ever wondered on how or where to start? Suppose you know nothing about websites and tech is not your thing, how do you get started? Whom do you consult?
Do you consult a friend who had just their website designed or do you make Google your friend? Well, most people do that because the keyword, ‘how to build a website in Kenya’ is a common search term.
What Do You Really Build a Website in Kenya?
Here are 5 things you need to know and have before commencing your new web design project.
Know what your website is all about
Most people don’t really know what they want. They know that they need a website, and they have a vague idea of what purpose ‘their’ website should serve. Some want a website simply because their friend or competitor has one.
To build a website in Kenya, you must know what your website is all about. Ask yourself what you want to achieve: will your site sell products and/or services, or will it exist to simply provide information? Is it a blog? Totally avoid using vague concepts or ideas.
Have your content and ideas ready
Part of the reasons why most web design projects fail is because most clients do not have the building blocks ready. To successfully build a website in Kenya, you must have all the building blocks ready. I have divided this section into three parts; Domain & Hosting, Logo & Favicon and Text & Graphics.
Domain & Hosting
You need to have a domain name in mind. A domain name is your website name. A domain name is the address where Internet users can access your website. e.g. braithosting.com, braitacademy.com etc.
Next, you need to have good web host. Hosting is simply where your website files will be stored online. There are very many Web Hosting Companies in Kenya but most of them are not realiable. A good web designer in Kenya will help you choose a good web host.
We have our own 99.9% uptime and reliable hosting which you can access at braithosting.com

Logo & Favicon
You will need to have a good logo design to build a website in Kenya, both in vector & raster formats. A good graphic designer should also give you your logo alternate designs (e.g. on black and on white backgrounds) and also give you a favicon.
A favicon is a small 16×16 pixel icon that appears at the top of a web browser. It serves as branding for your website. It is also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or a bookmark icon. We do amazing logos. You can explore our logo portfolio.
Text & Graphics
Ensure you have all data and information ready for your website. Have all texts and narratives free of grammatical errors and well packaged for web. A simple Company Profile will do. We can also write you an amazing company profile.
Make sure your photos are of high quality and can be used on the web. Poor quality images will make your website ugly, very ugly.
If you have got no photos, you can make use of stock images. Ask your designer if they have a subscription to premium stock images so that photos on your site are not all over the internet.
You can also get inspirations from websites you like and see how their data is structured.
Know your competitors
“Don’t underestimate your opponent, but don’t overestimate them, either.”
Nancy Pelosi
It is imperative to know who is also playing in your field but do not think of them as giants and regard yourself as a little mouse. Above all, do not look down upon yourself.
Research on what other people in your field are doing or have done and you will get ideas on what tactics to employ to be better than them. Prepare a list (of your competitors) which you can give to your designer.

Define Your Budget
Your website is an investment, not a cost. Your website is an asset and the more your domain ages, it increases in value i.e. It increases in ranking and domain authority.
How much money and time do you have to spend right now? Vague answers like as cheap as possible do not really help. Have a defined range for the much you would want to spend.
Now that you know ‘how’ you want the website, you also need to know when you need it. This is a very important aspect when you build a website in Kenya
Come up with a project timeline in which you can sit and agree with your designer about its feasibility. Together with your designer, you can fine-tune the timeline so that your project doesn’t lag.
Now that you know the 5 things to have ready before you build a website in Kenya, you may also want to do a careful analysis of a professional and efficient web designer. Here are 6 Tips on How to Choose the Best Web Designer in Kenya.
A professional web designer should advise you about domain & hosting, project timelines, content, and pricing.
Do you want to start a new web design project and do not know where to start? Why don’t you contact us today?