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I use this page as a unified landing page. Scroll to the respective service based on the Call To Action that landed you to this page.

Dear Coach, This is How You Have Been Taken Advantage Of!

(Worse Still, You May Have Been Hacked As Well)

I have worked with tons of professional coaches like before and I can say they you guys are the most dedicated bunch of people around as you know the true meaning of having an excellent ‘brand image!’ It is sad that most designers and developers do not understand this. They do not understand that coaches want the best out of people. They don’t understand their hard work and the gruesome commitment they make to bring out the best in someone.

I have painfully seen most coaches close shop due to unscrupulous service provides and especially web developers who have held them ransom with their websites. You know what all is not lost. Grab this piece and know why.

Coaching Website Hero Stressed Man
5 Money Murdering Mistakes

5 Money Murdering, Mistakes No Web or Graphic Designer Will Dare Tell You!

Most people are just doing business. Businesses exist to make a profit through the buying and selling of commodities. You might have a booming business but have not built a brand. A brand is a humanized entity. It provides value, and it gives an experience to your clients leaving a lasting impression.

Because most are simply in business they think their product is the best for their client and that’s why you see so many businesses screaming BUY! BUY! BUY! . They do not know who their selling to, their competitors and how they have differentiated their product from other screamers. Download this book and learn  the 5 Mistakes have made you lose tons of cash.

Start With The Why?

The 1 Hour Strategy Call

Most businesses were started from rumors that a certain industry has money, a certain friend tried it and they were successful, because one is good in a certain skill, or simply because one needed to start something for themselves; what they call a side hustle.

This explains why most people think that branding is having a logo and a website. They think people will get clients based on how they look. This is why there are so many copy cats in industry that are all screaming BUY! BUY! BUY! You need to be different and I am here to tell you how.

hero pro
Frustrated About That Company Website

I Know This Face!

The Face That Asks, "Who Will Do My Website Without Hitches?

Dear Business Owner,

I know the pain of your hustle. I know how hard it is to give your all in your business only to be let down by a web developer. I know how it feels to feel incapacitated. I know how hard it is to get a prospect and close the lead and how painful it can be to want to scale up your business only to be scammed or get some very unreliable service.

Because I understand your pain, let me come to your rescue.